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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: The escalating conflict between Pakistan and the Taliban could pose serious challenges to regional peace

The escalating conflict between Pakistan and the Taliban could pose serious challenges to regional peace

The recent turn of events suggests that the Taliban may now be harnessing its own proxy, the Tehreek-e-Taliban…
Publication: Ambassador Masood Khan’s case is a fine example of how zero tolerance towards terrorism should play out

Ambassador Masood Khan’s case is a fine example of how zero tolerance towards terrorism should play out

The delay by the US in approving Masood Khan’s appointment indicates that something is certainly amiss…
Publication: Pakistan’s new National Security Policy makes some apt suggestions but its core purpose is suspect

Pakistan’s new National Security Policy makes some apt suggestions but its core purpose is suspect

The NSP, while continuing to emphasise on military security, lists economic security as its top priority...
Publication: The Texas synagogue hostage saga has its roots in extremist ideas floated by successive Pakistani regimes

The Texas synagogue hostage saga has its roots in extremist ideas floated by successive Pakistani regimes

Whatever be Akram’s real motive, the facts that are known about him are that he belonged to the Blackburn…
Publication: Chinese Foreign Minister’s travels to the Maldives and Sri Lanka has generated fears of deeper debt entrapment

Chinese Foreign Minister’s travels to the Maldives and Sri Lanka has generated fears of deeper debt entrapment

Many, including the US and India, would view potential Chinese leadership of a forum of strategically…
Publication: After the disillusionment and gloom of the past year, a brief take on South Asia in the upcoming year

After the disillusionment and gloom of the past year, a brief take on South Asia in the upcoming year

In this fresh new year, whether or not the lessons from 2021 are taken on board could dictate how 2022…
Publication: Saudi Arabia’s decision to ban the Tablighi Jamaat has sent ripples across countries in South Asia

Saudi Arabia’s decision to ban the Tablighi Jamaat has sent ripples across countries in South Asia

A Sunni Islamic missionary movement, the TJ was founded in Mewat in 1926 by Maulana Mohammed Ilyas Khandelwi…
Publication: The Gwadar protests are testimony to the power of popular non-violent movements against powerful exploitative regimes

The Gwadar protests are testimony to the power of popular non-violent movements against powerful exploitative regimes

A mass movement by the residents of Gwadar demonstrated how peaceful protests could achieve so much more…