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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: The US exit from Afghanistan is questionable but China lacks the credentials to claim higher moral ground

The US exit from Afghanistan is questionable but China lacks the credentials to claim higher moral ground

China’s endeavor to project the US as an unreliable and unethical partner and thereby stake claim to…
Publication: The great Afghan surrender may herald an inglorious end to the US-led world order that Pakistan helped hasten

The great Afghan surrender may herald an inglorious end to the US-led world order that Pakistan helped hasten

The rapidity and ease with which the Taliban reached and took over Kabul may have surprised many, including…
Publication: Bangladeshi opposition forces are weaponizing the radical Hefazat-e-Islam to overthrow the Sheikh Hasina government

Bangladeshi opposition forces are weaponizing the radical Hefazat-e-Islam to overthrow the Sheikh Hasina government

Since the JeI was de-registered as a political party by the Bangladesh Supreme Court in 2013, Pakistan…
Publication: The Taliban excesses that have pervaded Afghanistan will lead to disaster for Afghans if left unchecked

The Taliban excesses that have pervaded Afghanistan will lead to disaster for Afghans if left unchecked

Taliban has re-imposed its radical version of the Shariat in the areas that it has brought under its…
Publication: It is Pakistani political parties that rule the roost in what Pakistan calls Azad (Free) Jammu & Kashmir

It is Pakistani political parties that rule the roost in what Pakistan calls Azad (Free) Jammu & Kashmir

Remarkably, every single election in Azad J&K so far has been won by the party in power in Islamabad...
Publication: Some assumptions of the NATO Defense College’s assessment on Afghanistan could do with a re-visit

Some assumptions of the NATO Defense College’s assessment on Afghanistan could do with a re-visit

The assumption in the paper that Pakistan is no longer interested in a full takeover by the Taliban could…
Publication: Regional antennae are up even if the court mandated political shake-up in Nepal may yield only more instability

Regional antennae are up even if the court mandated political shake-up in Nepal may yield only more instability

As Deuba took oath as Prime Minister on 13 July, a sizeable section of Nepal’s population would have…
Publication: President Biden’s fuzzy justification for withdrawal comes at a time of great disquiet in Afghanistan’s neighbourhood

President Biden’s fuzzy justification for withdrawal comes at a time of great disquiet in Afghanistan’s neighbourhood

The US, in its tearing hurry to leave Afghanistan, has also set a very dangerous precedent by accepting…