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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: The European Parliament resolution denouncing the deplorable state of human rights in Pakistan was overdue

The European Parliament resolution denouncing the deplorable state of human rights in Pakistan was overdue

Expressing “deep concern” at the prevailing anti-French sentiment in Pakistan, the resolution referred…
Publication: India’s COVID-19 crisis and some of its international dimensions

India’s COVID-19 crisis and some of its international dimensions

The daily number of infections and deaths has been well over 300,000 and 2000 respectively for the last…
Publication: Bangladesh and Pakistan: acting against extremism versus making a show of acting against extremism

Bangladesh and Pakistan: acting against extremism versus making a show of acting against extremism

The attitudes and the policies that the two Muslim-majority countries have chosen to adopt vis-à-vis…
Publication: Other democracies need to take a cue from the UK’s decision to place Pakistan on its Terror Financing list

Other democracies need to take a cue from the UK’s decision to place Pakistan on its Terror Financing list

Pakistan, in the company of countries such as Iran and North Korea, now figures among the 21 countries…
Publication: Violent protests during Indian PM’s visit may herald the dawn of a potent new extremist entity in Bangladesh

Violent protests during Indian PM’s visit may herald the dawn of a potent new extremist entity in Bangladesh

Some Bangladeshi experts believe that the HIB today has become a front for the JeI, which calls for Shariat…
Publication: As the Afghan peace process is internationalized, the gains of the last 20 years need to be protected

As the Afghan peace process is internationalized, the gains of the last 20 years need to be protected

Some regional powers have already initiated parallel steps and processes to the US-led one with the aim…
Publication: The India-Pakistan relationship signals seriousness, but optimism needs to be tempered with abundant caution

The India-Pakistan relationship signals seriousness, but optimism needs to be tempered with abundant caution

The encouraging exchanges at the highest levels of both sides were closely followed by a string of events…
Publication: The Indian Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to Dhaka promises to be a potent mix of deliverables and symbolisms

The Indian Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to Dhaka promises to be a potent mix of deliverables and symbolisms

A range of issues are likely to be discussed during the scheduled meeting between Sheikh Hasina and Modi,…