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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: The India-Pakistan ceasefire has revived hope in these times of gloom and uncertainty

The India-Pakistan ceasefire has revived hope in these times of gloom and uncertainty

The 22 February agreement was not strictly a fresh ceasefire agreement but a commitment to uphold the…
Publication: Wayward sections of the Indian media are not only harming the country’s interests but also its image abroad

Wayward sections of the Indian media are not only harming the country’s interests but also its image abroad

The wayward sections of the present day media in India have all but surrendered their primary responsibilities…
Publication: The India - China agreement to disengage at Pangong Lake is welcome, but more needs to be done

The India - China agreement to disengage at Pangong Lake is welcome, but more needs to be done

The two countries held several rounds of military and diplomatic-level talks, the last of which, yielded…
Publication: Pakistan’s phony ‘solidarity’ with Jammu & Kashmir put in perspective

Pakistan’s phony ‘solidarity’ with Jammu & Kashmir put in perspective

Pakistan’s ‘solidarity’ with Kashmir is, without question, purely in pursuit of its own selfish interests...
Publication: Coup in Myanmar exposes how toothless and dysfunctional the rusty international order is

Coup in Myanmar exposes how toothless and dysfunctional the rusty international order is

Efforts of the democratically inclined section of the international community to even issue a joint statement…
Publication: One of the prime contributors to India’s global standing, its COVID-dented economy needs careful nurturing

One of the prime contributors to India’s global standing, its COVID-dented economy needs careful nurturing

The scale of the disruption that the pandemic has caused has meant that the current downturn needs to…
Publication: The early signals from the Biden administration on South Asia are along expected lines

The early signals from the Biden administration on South Asia are along expected lines

The international community has placed a lot of hope on Biden undoing most of the harm that Trump had…
Publication: China, India, US and the significance of the Tibetan Policy and Support Act

China, India, US and the significance of the Tibetan Policy and Support Act

On 21 December, the US stood up strongly for the rights of the long-suffering people of Tibet by adopting…