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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: The possible impact on South Asia of Joe Biden’s victory: China and Afghanistan policies will hold the key

The possible impact on South Asia of Joe Biden’s victory: China and Afghanistan policies will hold the key

For the three larger countries of South Asia, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, the impact of the change…
Publication: Amidst the pandemic terrorism continues unabated in Afghanistan and raises its ugly head again in Europe

Amidst the pandemic terrorism continues unabated in Afghanistan and raises its ugly head again in Europe

Incidents in Kabul, France and Vienna have once again demonstrated that no region is insulated from the…
Publication: The maturing and deepening of the India – US relationship has been hastened by China’s expansionist designs

The maturing and deepening of the India – US relationship has been hastened by China’s expansionist designs

The circumstances surrounding the holding of the meeting, convey a lot about where the relationship between…
Publication: Chaos reigns in Pakistan as the army kidnaps a provincial police chief amidst opposition protests

Chaos reigns in Pakistan as the army kidnaps a provincial police chief amidst opposition protests

The night before the rally the government embarked on mass detentions and arrested about 500 opposition…
Publication: 22 October 1947: The darkest day in the history of Jammu & Kashmir

22 October 1947: The darkest day in the history of Jammu & Kashmir

Major General Akbar Khan fixed 22 October 1947 as the date on which the attack on J&K would be launched...
Publication: The curious Pakistani treason charge against the ‘Prime Minister’ of so-called Azad (free) Jammu & Kashmir

The curious Pakistani treason charge against the ‘Prime Minister’ of so-called Azad (free) Jammu & Kashmir

The past week has witnessed a string of explosive, divisive, and indeed bizarre developments in Pakistan...
Publication: The Pakistani opposition needs to carry through its movement against the military establishment if it wants real democracy

The Pakistani opposition needs to carry through its movement against the military establishment if it wants real democracy

If the PDM's protest programme proceeds on the planned lines, it has the potential to present major challenges…
Publication: Pakistan’s plan to usurp Gilgit Baltistan and further divide Jammu & Kashmir is disquieting

Pakistan’s plan to usurp Gilgit Baltistan and further divide Jammu & Kashmir is disquieting

Frustration over the inability of the Pakistani military establishment to get much traction on the J&K…