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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: The potentially nocuous impact of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan on Jammu & Kashmir

The potentially nocuous impact of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan on Jammu & Kashmir

Neither Afghanistan nor India has much faith in Pakistan in view of the destructive role that the country…
Publication: Pakistan’s eminent culpability in the dilution of Article 370 relating to Jammu & Kashmir

Pakistan’s eminent culpability in the dilution of Article 370 relating to Jammu & Kashmir

Pakistan has, meanwhile, not covered itself in glory in its handling of the parts of Jammu & Kashmir…
Publication: India revoking the Special Status of J&K - Betrayal of history

India revoking the Special Status of J&K - Betrayal of history

Scrapping of Article 370, has broken the solemn pledge made by the Indian State to the people of Kashmir…
Publication: Capitalizing on recent gains in Jammu & Kashmir through pragmatic people-oriented policies must become the priority

Capitalizing on recent gains in Jammu & Kashmir through pragmatic people-oriented policies must become the priority

The Indian government’s use of muscle in J&K has been complemented fittingly by a resilient and relentless…
Publication: The shifting sands of Pakistan’s support to terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir

The shifting sands of Pakistan’s support to terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir

PM Imran Khan divulged that between 30,000 to 40,000 terrorists who had trained and fought in Afghanistan…
Publication: Marriage with China, affair with US: Pakistan’s next double-game?

Marriage with China, affair with US: Pakistan’s next double-game?

The arrest of Hafiz Saeed took place amid increasing international pressure upon Pakistan to take stronger…
Publication: Second OHCHR Report on Jammu & Kashmir perseverates with the same flaws as the first

Second OHCHR Report on Jammu & Kashmir perseverates with the same flaws as the first

The terminology used by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the update…
Publication: Organized Crime, Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation; CPEC brings more than the people of Pakistan wished for

Organized Crime, Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation; CPEC brings more than the people of Pakistan wished for

While Chinese authorities have recognized the issue of illegal cross-border weddings and the lucrative…