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Sessions of UNHRC

48th Session UNHRC: Intervention by Ms. Lisa Dudek (Research Analyst EFSAS)

21-09-2021, Geneva (Virtual)

Text and video of Ms. Lisa Dudek's Intervention on General Debate Item 3 (Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development; Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances) during the 48th Session of the UN Human Rights Council.

Video of Ms. Lisa Dudek's Intervention on General Debate Item 3 - Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances during the 48th Session of the UNHRC


"Madam President,

After the Taliban takeover, we witnessed a scramble for safety by countless Afghan civilians. Estimates describe at least 3.5 million, often forcibly, internally displaced, and 2.6 million refugees. Reports estimate more than 120,000 evacuations, 23,000 of which arrived in the US with an ‘at risk status’, who worked together with the US and NATO.

Yet, the world has become increasingly silent about those left behind. Journalists, Afghans who worked with the West, women who still stand strong, soldiers from the Afghan forces who won’t comply with uncanny ideals, minorities, Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks, who are tracked down, families, and children, unlucky to find themselves in the crossfires of retribution. All are brave, determined and admirable in their perseverance. The world has become silent about these peoples’ enforced disappearances, an offence to human dignity.

Madam President,

The West should remind itself of its empty promises, of the people left at the mercy of terrorists.

This Working Group needs to ensure accountability, so that the Taliban cannot bypass principals and ideals of international law. It is vitally important that any sort of cooperation with the Taliban is based on these principles and human rights, preventing these inhumane actions from continuing, and seizing extraterritorial assistance.

To not deny the most vulnerable people in Afghanistan dignity and security, this working group, and the world, needs to be more than a spectator.

Thank you". 

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