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Publications - Articles

Publication: Islamic State in Afghanistan: future spoiler?

Islamic State in Afghanistan: future spoiler?

ISKP has aggressively attacked the international forces, the Afghan government and the Taliban, attempting…
Publication: The Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement: A thorn in the Pakistani Military’s side

The Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement: A thorn in the Pakistani Military’s side

The plight of the Pashtuns of Pakistan runs deep and is rooted in a series of unfortunate historical…
Publication: Political Dynasty and Discrimination: The Female Leaders of South Asia

Political Dynasty and Discrimination: The Female Leaders of South Asia

The international audience, it seems, has forgotten the glorious days of the South Asian region, marked…
Publication: London Bridge attack 2019: Three out of four terror plots in the UK have roots in Pakistan

London Bridge attack 2019: Three out of four terror plots in the UK have roots in Pakistan

The close ties to Pakistan that Rangzieb Ahmed and Usman Khan had, as indeed a host of other British…
Publication: Pakistan’s political hybridity: Asymmetric coexistence between Democracy and Martial law

Pakistan’s political hybridity: Asymmetric coexistence between Democracy and Martial law

Elements of both military and democratic control have contributed to the current hybrid governmental…
Publication: A flicker of light at the end of Kartarpur Corridor

A flicker of light at the end of Kartarpur Corridor

The decision to open the Kartarpur corridor by India and Pakistan constitutes a surprising yet applauded…
Publication: Dawood Ibrahim – Convergence of Crime and Terrorism

Dawood Ibrahim – Convergence of Crime and Terrorism

In the aftermath of the 1993 Mumbai Blasts, Dawood Ibrahim shifted his operations from Dubai to Karachi…
Publication: A camouflaged Pakistani hand may be behind the expanding footprint of Al Qaeda in Jammu & Kashmir

A camouflaged Pakistani hand may be behind the expanding footprint of Al Qaeda in Jammu & Kashmir

Over the last few years a new and aberrant trend that has raised its head in Jammu & Kashmir is the mysterious…