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Publications - Study Papers

Publication: The Sectarianization of Society, Culture and Religion in Gilgit-Baltistan

The Sectarianization of Society, Culture and Religion in Gilgit-Baltistan

Religious violence continues to flare up until this day, and the stronghold of extremism over Gilgit-Baltistan…
Publication: Ethnic, Cultural and Religious Diversity in Jammu & Kashmir: Perceptions on unity and discord - Demise of Kashmiriyat

Ethnic, Cultural and Religious Diversity in Jammu & Kashmir: Perceptions on unity and discord - Demise of Kashmiriyat

Geographical and political divisions in post partition J&K have contributed to the demise of Kashmiriyat,…
Publication: The Mysticism and Glory of Sufism and Kashmiriyat: Origins, History and the Politics behind it

The Mysticism and Glory of Sufism and Kashmiriyat: Origins, History and the Politics behind it

The idea of Kashmiriyat refers to feelings of communal harmony, hospitality, peace, equilibrium, tolerance…
Publication: From Look East to Act East: India’s Changing Posture in the Indo-Pacific and the Containment of China

From Look East to Act East: India’s Changing Posture in the Indo-Pacific and the Containment of China

China’s growing assertiveness in the region undercuts India’s historical tradition of economic and political…
Publication: A Memory of Religious Plurality in Jammu & Kashmir

A Memory of Religious Plurality in Jammu & Kashmir

Customarily, while the presence of numerous religious communities could be considered the perfect recipe…
Publication: Social Media Strategies and Online Narratives of Terrorist Organizations; Case studies of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba

Social Media Strategies and Online Narratives of Terrorist Organizations; Case studies of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba

From the expansion of extremist groups and their worldwide recruitment policies, it has become evident…
Publication: Afghanistan’s Derailing Democracy?

Afghanistan’s Derailing Democracy?

In 2020, the words ‘Democracy’ and ‘Afghanistan’ still do not sit well together. For many Afghans, the…
Publication: Guilty until proven innocent: The sacrilegious nature of blasphemy laws in Pakistan

Guilty until proven innocent: The sacrilegious nature of blasphemy laws in Pakistan

This paper will explore the legal background and genesis of the blasphemy laws of the Islamic Republic…